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Are you sick of putting your life on hold while trying to conceive?

Do you feel like you have to trade-off your work, your passions, your travel plans, only to keep not getting pregnant?

It really sucks to want to have a baby, but then each month it doesn’t happen.

But what sucks worse is to change your life and say no to things you really want to do, because you think you can’t go after what you want and conceive.

This is a shitty dilemma! And I know because I am facing it!

Luckily though I am not putting my life on hold while we conceive because I have the right support system to keep me grounded, nourished, and fertile.

How does this happen?

Through the right herbal support and having a great acupuncturist. I take Freya every morning and night, and I see my Chinese medicine doctor every week.

I still run a successful business, travel, and see my friends all the time plus go on adventures with my husband. AND, during all of this I feel healthy, happy, and secure with my fertility. I was pregnant last year for 8 weeks and will be pregnant soon again.

Did you know, Chinese medicine (herbs and acupuncture) improves fertility by 60% in recent studies.?

Are you ready to stop making your life small, or doubting yourself, or feeling like you have to choose between baby and life?

Choose both — your best life AND baby!

Order Freya now and feel the difference in your cycles, your wellbeing, and your fertility.

Xoxo Violet

PS Freya balances out your hormones and prepares the body to conceive through specific herbal support during each phase of a woman’s cycle. Start now: www.freyahealth.com/buy

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