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During times of crisis, there’s always an opportunity to create. We are in a dark time, a fertile void, and many people are using this time to envision a new world…including a bigger family 🙂

Here at the Freya Family we’re continuing to share Freya with moms-to-be around the world, women who want to get pregnant but need a little help. Our mamas have been conceiving, carrying, and birthing their little ones, creating this new generation that’s been called “Coronials.”

Could this be the perfect time for you to conceive?

Whether you’re ready for a baby now, yesterday, or in the future, it’s a great time to care for your reproductive health.

I’ve been taking the Freya Daily blend for the past month, and it’s made a world of difference with my moods, energy, and cycle.

Did you know Freya Daily blend is even safe for breastfeeding, as it’s a blood builder and helps you recharge (without caffeine or other stimulants)?

I’ll begin taking Freya Menstrual and Luteal formulas once I stop breastfeeding, but for now I love knowing my womb (and my spirit) are getting a little extra TLC. I love knowing that Freya will help me get pregnant again, like it did with our baby Ruby in 2019.

How have you been holding up? Are you growing closer to your partner during this time, or have there been challenges in your relationship? How’s your body, your cycle, and your mood?

We’d love to help you on your fertility journey and we invite you to try Freya again or for the first time here: www.freyahealth.com/buy

And if you’re not looking to conceive but want some additional support dealing with stress and boosting your vitality and immune system, check out the first CBD tea with Chinese herbs for women, Freya Radiance.

Xoxo, Violet and the Freya Family

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